• Sam’s Dish 2016 Favorites

      One year ago, this week, I took a risk and started Sam’s Dish. In 2016 I shared 71 (wow) recipes with you. Lots of cooking, baking and eating happened in my little kitchen. It was a good first year! Last night I sat down with my hubby and we looked through all of the recipes on the blog. I lost count of the number of times that he said things like “that was really good” or “you haven’t made that in a long time” or “we ate good last year”. lol. So today I’m sharing our (mine and my husband’s) favorite recipes from 2016.     Here are our…

  • Shrimp and Broccoli with Cheese Tortellini

    Hope you had a great New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day! We have a horrible track record for NYE. One of us is usually sick and yep, it happened again this year. So being the party animals that we are, we stayed up until 10:30 pm, took cold medicine, and went to bed. We managed to get ourselves to church on Sunday, barely on time, but we made it. Then we rallied on Sunday afternoon and organized our main storage space, which included a trip to Target to get more plastic totes and an iced coffee…starting the year off right over here. Next on the list is organizing in the kitchen.…